Tila chair by Shepherd Studio

Tila chair by Shepherd Studio

Tila chair by Shepherd Studio

Dezeen Showroom: hundreds of shiny spheres make up the Tila chair, created by Shepherd Studio as an exploration of density.

Inspired partly by the traditional game of marbles, the Tila chair is made up of 210 stainless steel spheres that sit within a tubular frame.

Tila chair by Shepherd Studio
The Tila chair has a backrest and seat made of stainless steel spheres

The spheres' chrome finish reflects the chair's surroundings, creating aesthetically pleasing interplays of light and shadow.

"We were curious to explore the possibility of having a chair that people can look through," said Shepherd Studio. "A chair which would have openings for shadows and light to seep through, whilst also reflecting its surroundings."

Tila chair by Shepherd Studio
The chrome-finished spheres create an interesting pattern of reflections

"We wanted to personify density as a mediator for possibility," the studio added.

The Tila chair is made to order and its spheres are hand-finished by the studio.


Product: Tila
Brand: Shepherd Studio
Contact: info@shepherd-studio.com

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